

A web-based central hub for tree-related information, the community tree portal is a valuable resource for residents, businesses, and local authorities. It fosters collaboration and promotes the sustainable management of the community’s trees or/and Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs).


Central hub for tree-related information within a community
Interactive GIS mapping of local tree populations
Cloud based with full access to all data at all times
Fed directly from data held in Ezytreev

EzyPortal Trees

Community Tree Portal

Raise the profile of trees as environmental assets accessible to all.

Whether your residents are looking to identify a tree’s species, uncover its ecological contributions, or simply explore their neighbourhood, ezyPortal offers an array of insights, encompassing tree species, dimensions, photographs, inspection records, and the history of maintenance undertaken on each tree. 


Tree inventory

Dashboard providing overview of whole tree  inventory (see a sample here), plus individual tree data delivered via GIS mapping. Users can identify trees, view a photo and basic information (see a sample here).

Inspection & maintenance records

Information from the most recent inspection & history of work performed to each tree (see a sample here).

Tree eco benefits

ezyPortal also integrates with i-Tree Eco benefits API, presenting the environmental benefits these trees provide to their neighbourhood and to the planet as a whole (see a sample here).

Planting planning

This online platform can also present the locations ear-marked for future tree planting, plus the  confirmed planting scheme for the upcoming season.

Tree related enquiries

Allow the public to submit an enquiry about any tree via GIS mapping including uploading photos.

Integration with CRM

Enquiries from ezyPortal can be forwarded to a corporate CRM system, Ezytreev E&C module or a dedicated email inbox.

EzyPortal TPO

Protected Tree Portal

Avoid time consuming enquiries by encouraging the public to use this online self-service portal.

ezyPortal publishes TPO and application/notification registers held in ezytreev, including all relevant documents, and also offers a user-friendly interactive map search tool. Householders, neighbours, solicitors and others can check the protection status of trees by searching for a property and viewing TPO trees, Conservation areas and any s211 trees on mapping. Individual trees, groups, woodlands and areas can be interrogated via the map to find the species and type of protection, plus the application history of each tree. 


Register of tree preservation orders

Any member of the public can access information and view all related details, plus download legal documents of all TPOs (see a sample here).

Register of tree works applications / notifications

View current and previous applications to carry out works to TPO and conservation area trees (see a sample here).

Protected tree map 

Any member of the public can use the map search to find trees or property they are interested in & find out if a tree has a TPO or is in a concervation area, see datails of where it appears on the protected tree register and download legal documents (see a sample here).

Application to carry out work on  protected tree(s)

Any member of the public can submit an online application for works to tree(s) protected by a TPO or a conservation area notice. Applicants can create their own sketch-plan using GIS mapping,  upload documents and see their application progress via the portal (see a sample here). Ezytreev will automatically create an application record based on the completed form with attachments and interested parties and will also create a copy of the submission as a pdf 1App form that is automatically emailed to the applicant for their own records.

Contact us today

+44 (0) 330 223 11 33