Enquiries & Complaints

Featured Module

Enquiries & Complaints

This module provides the user with powerful tools for dealing with and responding to emergency situations, requests and concerns about property damage, from initial receipt through to resolution. Any enquiry can be easily accessed, viewed and updated in real time, Ezytreev can colour code, filter & search enquiries. 

Link with individual tree/asset records

Tree, TPO, asset data & maps can be associated with individual enquiries

Support for different types of enquiries

Module can be configured to progress different types of enquiries


Integration with all modules and On-site app, with links to CRM system & public portal

Status reports

Module provides a defined list of statuses relevant to the specific department

Module Features

Comprehensive complaint progressing 

Each enquiry & complaint contact is recorded as a separate case with a unique identifier, exact nature of the enquiry, which can be linked to individual Tree, TPO & Asset records including mapping. 

Site inspection notification

When an enquiry is marked as requiring a site inspection the system will forward details including related trees/assets to the allocated officer’s on-site app. Once the inspection is complete, the enquiry status will be automatically updated to reflect whether any further action is needed.

Two way link with CRM systems

New enquiry cases will be automatically generated in ezytreev based on data received from the corporate CRM systems, which will be  updated as cases are progressed.

Link with work ordering module 

If work is required the system is able to generate orders from the enquiry screen. The progress of the order will update the status of the enquiry accordingly.

Generation of standard letters and emails

The system can store incoming and outgoing correspondence & generate standard and customisable letters, legal documents, site notices against the enquirier, emails can be sent directly from the enquiry.

Addition of parties

Interested parties can be added easily to an enquiry, with the ability for incoming and outgoing correspondence, standard letters, documents stored against each party.

Extensive search and select facility 

Searching is a simple and straightforward process with  functionality to search on any attribute, category, enquiry type, originator, status etc. and the ability to filter existing records by address, site, location or enquirer. 

Performance & analysis reports

Generation of two types of standard reports: Analysis and Performance reports with inclusion of the maps. Reports can be exported into Microsoft Word, PDF, Excel, Power BI (via API), shapefile, TAB, DXF, KML and can be used with other applications such as i-Tree Eco.


Enquiries & Complaints module can be integrated with FixMyStreet.com – an independent platform for street fault reporting. The integration of two technical solutions allows the public to submit enquiries through FixMyStreet.com including the identification of the precise positioning on the map and fault category. Thanks to this, reports made on FixMyStreet can be raised as enquiries directly in Ezytreev and using the SmartSync technology enquiries are automatically sent to the allocated tree surveyor in the field in real time. Ezytreev automatically updates FixMyStreet with the progress of the enquiry, so the original enquirer can keep track of their complaint.
The benefits of the integrated solution are significant: It makes it easier for residents to report problems within a particular council/location and for the council to better coordinate and prioritise its tree management services, improve record keeping and monitoring of work and also to provide a streamlined, consistent response to enquiries.

Any enquiry including those automatically entered via a CRM system or public portal can be sent to the allocated officer’s device in real time to ensure all appropriate remedial measures are employed promptly.

The module operates as additional to Tree, TPO & Asset modules.



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