Fire Roll Call App to extend Clarity Visitor application

Our on-going development projects continue and we’re excited to be bringing new features to our Clarity Visitor award winning system. Along with existing abilities to offer accurate On-Site list and emergency Roll Call mode, Clarity Visitor now extends its capabilities and offers your residents/tenants the option to sign-in their employees and visitors on a separate interactive screen, conduct quick roll calls, effortlessly adding or removing roll checks as needed. Offering flexibility, the app provides two convenient options for performing a roll call: scanning the visitor’s QR code or opting for manual entry, catering to diverse preferences and scenarios. For those preferring a quick and automated approach, users can simply place the visitor’s QR code in front of the camera. The app will swiftly detect the code and proceed to perform the roll call. Alternatively, the manual approach utilises an audit list and records of visitors on-site, excluding those who have signed out. Users can view visitor details and easily perform roll calls as needed.
You could obviously up-sell this facility to your residents/tenants providing them with an extra service and your business with an extra revenue stream.
If you’re willing to explore these new features or have any questions, we’re here for you. Feel free to reach out to discuss your requirements or seek further information.