Covid-19 safety measures in our premises
Here at RA Information systems we are planning to gradually return to our regular activity safeguarding the wellbeing of our employees, customers, partners and suppliers who continue to operate under current circumstances. We have put in place a set of measures to observe in our premises to minimise the risks associated with COVID-19, so far as is reasonably practical.
Preventing transmission by reducing face-to-face interactions
• Work from home for employees wherever possible;
• Use of communication technology such as teleconferencing instead of face to face meetings;
• Limited number of employees/visitors at any one time and maintaining a record of all visitors;
• Social distancing, new seating arrangements to allow people to work 2m apart from each other;
• Avoiding group gatherings and handshaking;
• Wearing masks when appropriate.
Preventing transmission by maintaining high personal hygiene standards
• Increasing the frequency of handwashing (especially after visiting public places, after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose);
• Covering coughs and sneezes, avoiding touching eyes, nose and mouth.
Preventing transmission from touching equipment and surfaces
• Avoiding sharing pens and other objects;
• Increasing the frequency of the cleaning and disinfecting workplace surface and high-touch devices (including phones, tablets, keyboards, doorknobs and light switches);
• Encouraging staff to bring their own food;
• Revising procedures of the pick-up and drop-off collection for inbound /outbound goods.
Visiting customer’s site
A site visit should be agreed and pre-arranged with the customer. Our staff will be taking extra precautions, observing social distancing, high standards of hygiene and guidance provided by the customer themselves for safely working in their own environment.