RA information systems appointed as a G-Cloud 13 framework supplier!

We are delighted to announce that we have been confirmed as a Crown Commercial Supplier on the G-Cloud 13 framework for our Cloud Software solutions EZYTREEV and CLARITY CORE.
The G-Cloud 13 framework is a UK Government initiative that provides organisations within the public sector with an efficient route to purchase cloud computing services. It eliminates the need for a drawn-out tendering procedure by allowing organisations to discover and compare cloud-based services from various suppliers. The framework first opened in 2012 by the Crown Commercial Service to deliver greater competition in the tech industry, allow suppliers greater access to UK public sector contracts and has now reach its 13th iteration. Crown Commercial Service (CCS) is an Executive Agency of the Cabinet Office, supporting the public sector to achieve maximum commercial value when procuring common goods and services.
G-Cloud 13 officially started on 9 November 2022. Crown Commercial Service (CCS) extended G-Cloud 13 framework by 12 months from its original end date of 8 November 2023 to 8 November 2024. This communication was published on the CCS website.
How to buy: a step-by-step guide
Before you start your search for cloud services on the Digital Marketplace you should write a list of requirements (by preparing a list of ‘must-haves’ and ‘wants’) and check if you need approval to spend money on a service. When you have written your requirements, use the Digital Marketplace to search for cloud services, save details of your search and download a copy of your search results. Assess all of the services in your search results, choose the service that best meets your budget and requirements. You can contact us to ask to explain our service description, terms and conditions, pricing or service definition documents. When you have chosen a service, you can award a contract to the supplier. The buyer and supplier must both sign a copy of the contract before the service can be used.
Contact us for more information about our services: info@ezytreev.com or info@clarity-core.com.
USEFUL LINKS – Learn how G-Cloud works for buyers:
Buyers must register with Public Procurement Gateway (PPG) in order to use CAS.
Find cloud hosting, software and support.
G-Cloud buyers’ guide – How to buy cloud services on the Digital Marketplace.
How to award a contract when you buy services.
Read the government service manual guidance on choosing technology
You can also talk to suppliers before you start to help you refine your requirements.