Technology streamlining tree preservation procedures
TPO & work application management system
The most flexible solution for local planning and national park authorities responsible for TPO in conservation area tree functions. Ezytreev TPO allows users to quickly and efficiently manage all tasks to ensure that trees with significant amenity value are adequately protected.
The system offers various methods of identifying trees for a new TPO, whether you are carrying out a survey, plotting trees while on an enquiry visit, reviewing an old TPO, creating a TPO from a conservation area (s211) notice or are plotting the trees manually from another source. The module also offers feature-rich support for processing works applications/notices, both in the office and on-site.
Cloud based
The system is Cloud-based and accessible from desktop and mobile devices.
Integrated with GIS mapping
Powerful GIS mapping incorpotating client’s base mapping plus additional layers (find out more).
On-site app
Ezytreev is the only system supporting comprehensive TPO management functions on site with tablets for data collection, plotting, applications, order reviewing, amenity assessment etc.
Full access to all data at all times
Anyone working in the field has full access to all data and mapping at all times.
Ezytreev: the only system in the UK supporting full TPO functionality on-site.
Top Features
TPO register
Record of all Orders with associated maps & photos. Key stages of progress are reported using colour coding.
Registers of applications
Record of all applications & s211 notices including validation, site visits & appeals; consultation & document generation.
History of works & applications
Full history of applications for works to trees protected by a TPO or conservation area.
Amenity valuation
Integrated calculator to assess suitability for protection applying TEMPO or other user defined or industry recognised methods.
TPO portal
Public portal for tree owners & agents who can search for property, check the protection status of trees & work applications (see below to find out more).
Making and confirming new TPO
Ability to automatically generate new TPOs based on survey data for individual trees, areas, groups and woodlands.
Support for reviewing TPOs
Re-surveying, varying, replacing & revoking existing Tree Preservation Order.
Generation of legal documents
Issuing & storing of legal documents, including new TPOs,
variation & revocation of existing Orders.
Letter generation & storage
Issuing of letters, emails, site notices & reports, plus storage of any other files.
Managing the TPO consultation & confirmation process with automated contact lists & batches of letters.
Designed to be flexible, Ezytreev offers a range of customisation options including:
Data capture fields
Species, dbh, height, crown spread, maturity, vigour, health & life expectancy
Additional fields
Definable drop-down fields for capturing extra data against each tree record & survey
Amenity assessment
Support for industry recognised systems including Tempo & Helliwell, plus user defined methods
Flexible processes
Definable consultation timescales, TPO drafting stages & check lists to fit with corporate processes
Configurable templates
User definable model order documents & letter templates, site notices etc.
TPO reason codes
Definable codes applied to each tree or TPO with associated standard text for expediency
TPO schedule
Control schedule appearance with species description, tree location information & page formatting options
Application decisions
Customisable decision codes & linked decision notices
Online services
TPO Portal
Avoid time consuming enquiries by encouraging the public to use this online self-service portal.
ezyPortal is fed directly from your TPO data held in Ezytreev. It publishes TPO and application/notification registers, including all relevant documents, and also offers a user-friendly interactive map search tool. Householders, neighbours, solicitors and others can check the protection status of trees by searching for a property and viewing TPO trees, Conservation areas and any s211 trees on mapping. Individual trees, groups, woodlands and areas can be interrogated via the map to find the species and type of protection, plus the application history of each tree.
Register of tree preservation orders
Any member of the public can access information and view all related details, plus download legal documents of all TPOs (see a sample here).
Register of tree works applications / notifications
View current and previous applications to carry out works to TPO and conservation area trees (see a sample here).
Protected tree map
Any member of the public can use the map search to find trees or property they are interested in & find out if a tree has a TPO or is in a concervation area, see datails of where it appears on the protected tree register and download legal documents (see a sample here).
Application to carry out work on protected tree(s)
Any member of the public can submit an online application for works to tree(s) protected by a TPO or a conservation area notice. Applicants can create their own sketch-plan using GIS mapping, upload documents and see their application progress via the portal (see a sample here). Ezytreev will automatically create an application record based on the completed form with attachments and interested parties and will also create a copy of the submission as a pdf 1App form that is automatically emailed to the applicant for their own records.
See the legislation governing Tree Preservation Orders and tree protection in conservation areas here.
Onsite APP
Ezytreev is the only system in the UK supporting comprehensive TPO management functions on-site with functionality for plotting/resurveying, visiting applications, amenity assessment etc all available on your tablet or phone.
The Onsite App offers full on and off line capability via SmartSync, all TPO data and maps are on each device and can run independently without the requirement for mobile reception, Wi-Fi etc. Ezytreev’s SmartSync system keeps all data-collection devices and the desktop system in sync, it will automatically synchronise all the devices when a connection to the central server is established. The system will identify updates to be made, and then merge them seamlessly over Wi-Fi, & 4G/5G across platforms.
Onsite App key features:

Plot & survey potential TPO trees in the field using GIS.
Carry out on-site review surveys of existing TPOs.
Amenity-assess trees and group of trees.
Visit & assess applications including officer report comments.
Visit TPO or conservation area related enquiries.
Take and automatically associate photos against tree records.
Find out more about Onsite App