Have you considered moving to our cloud hosted and SmartSync platform?
Launched in 2009, ezytreev Cloud is an online alternative to an “on premise” installation. Clients benefit from the scale and security of a multi-tenant cloud system without the need to manage, finance and deliver the platform internally.
With the addition of the SmartSync upgrade the system will allow seamless two-way transfer of data between on-site devices and desktop system with the reassurance that work is never suspended due to limitations on connectivity.
Our platform is based on industry standard solutions from Cisco, Microsoft and Citrix and hosted in a state-of-the-art data-centre.
The Centre provides physical and environmental security and the servers are accessible only by RA Information Systems Staff. All data is hosted, stored and backed-up in the UK only.
Reasons to consider moving to our hosted platform:
Create a flexible working environment
Provide 24/7 access to your ezytreev system by moving to our hosted platform. The cloud will allow your employees to access your system securely and safely, from any internet enabled work place at any time, ensuring a completely flexible working solution to suit your current needs.
Improve team performance, collaboration and efficiency
Enable better collaboration and performance with the ability to make real time updates to your system and keep shared information up to date and relevant for all users whether they be at the office or flexibly working. Improve efficiency and time management by completing tasks and projects more effectively.
Improve data security, backup resilience and maintenance
Storing your data on the cloud can be safer than on-premise servers, with added data security and protection against the loss of data. Resilience, maintenance and disaster recovery plans are included within the hosted platform setup, reducing your risk and providing you with business continuity by ensuring your system remains on line and available at all times.
Reasons to consider moving to our SmartSync platform:
Advantages of a ‘live’ link
The system offers the reassurance that work is never suspended due to limitations on connectivity to the Internet. Anyone working in the field has full access to all trees/assets/TPOs and all mapping at all times.
Two-way data syncronisation between devices
Seamless syncing of changes between handheld devices and the central server occurs whenever a data connection is available. Enquiries, TPO applications, works orders and notifications are received immediately by the those who need to action them.
Cloud technical specifications
Server Technology
Enterprise class – fully redundant Hardware – HP DL Range servers with RAID 6 arrays and dual power supplies. Latest Microsoft Server Operating Systems Microsoft Hyper-V cloud platform. Citrix – XenApp 6.5.
Windows, Apple, Linux and Android Operating Systems. Supports IE, Chrome, Firefox and Safari. 500Kbit per connection recommended.
Internet and Security
Monitored Cisco ASA 551x CX Firewalls including Intrusion Detection. All Citrix connections are encrypted using GeoTrust SSL (2048bit). Inter-data centre traffic is encrypted using 3DES, SHA IPSEC encryption. 100Mbit symmetric fibre connections at both primary and secondary data centres. Backup fibre with multiple providers BT/Virgin to alternative POPs.
Data Security
On-disk data encryption. Data replicated between our primary and secondary data centre. Co-located standby facility for Disaster Recovery at our secondary site. Replication and offsite backups using Microsoft DPM Technology. Client data wiped securely on request. Systems monitored continuously and updated regularly. Internal ‘Change Management’ procedures. Internal security controlled by Microsoft Active Directory. Optional two-factor authentication.
Cloud FAQs
Where will our data be held and how would you guarantee returning our data if required?
Our hosted system is currently physically located in a data centre in the UK. You will have contractual ownership over your data, and will be able to either copy or export it to your own network ‘on demand’ at any time. If you would prefer, we can schedule a regular backup from the hosted system to your network, if this is required.
How would our Tree Contractors access the hosted system?
To log-on to the ezytreev system, Contractors only need an internet connection, preferably a fixed Broadband, although the system will operate effectively over a fairly reliable 3G connection. Regarding access to the data itself, ezytreev provides a ‘contractors interface’, which allows the contractor limited access to the tree works ordering system and inventory. This allows them to view the trees on a map, print off tree works orders, and update the system as tree works are performed.
What will be the Server configurations provided?
ezytreev Cloud provides access to a Citrix ‘server farm’ to execute the application, a file server to store all non-SQL ‘support’ data, DLL’s, data collection software, etc., plus backups of all data collected on-site, and a dedicated SQL Server to hold the main ezytreev database. All the above are UK-based virtual servers, accessed via a (minimum) 100Mbit Internet connection, with redundant backup link.
Is there a business continuity plan/ disaster recovery plan?
All SQL databases are incrementally backed-up each night, and all server data is backed-up via DPM to an off-site ‘warehouse’ independent of the hosted environment supplier.
How would we integrate with both our CRM and GIS systems via the Hosted System?
The ezytreev CRM integration generally operates by periodically scanning an ‘in’ folder for XML format files dropped into the folder by the CRM, and drops status update XML’s into a different folder picked up and processed by the CRM. This mechanism can be implemented in the hosted system scenario via Citrix ‘Client Drive Mapping’. Alternatively, this messaging can be implemented via a Web Service if the necessary Firewall access can be arranged. Integration with GIS systems requires either creating a periodically updated ‘off-line copy’ on the hosted system of the required elements of the GIS for MapInfo or ArcGIS systems, or an off-line hosted ezyMasterMap mapping system derived from the source OS MasterMap data in GML/GZ format, possibly supplemented with additional ‘useful’ layers from the GIS system in either TAB or ShapeFile format, e.g. Parks/ Open Space boundaries, Cemeteries, Schools, Housing Estates, Land Ownership layers, etc.
Is there a contingency in place should ra go into liquidation/ administration that will allow us to be able to access and transfer this data back to our servers?
There is a problem in allowing any third-party access to the hosted system via a separate agreement with the provider, which doesn’t involve RA. This is because the security preventing each user from accessing another users data is implemented by ourselves and is beyond the scope of the service provider. This being the case, the safest assumption would be that there is a finite possibility that the system might become unavailable at some point, and that the contingency plan needs to allow for this. This being the case, the best way of guarding against this, (and any other such situation), is to arrange for the data to be copied to another designated location at an appropriate interval. This could be a ‘neutral’ third party, but may as well be your servers. It could take the form of an export/ copy of all the tables in DBF, CSV, XLS, XML etc, or SQL backup files. We would undertake to provide this facility if required, or you could implement it via the ezytreev desktop system if your prefer to be in control of the process.
Will the data stored on the system remain our property and will not be available for 3rd parties to access (or buy)?
Yes, the data remains your property and will not be made available to any 3rd party for any purpose.
Are there any data capacity limits for photographs/ documents?
No. Assuming reasonable usage levels.
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