Support Desk
We have a Support Desk call logging system – you can contact our support desk between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday, via phone or e-mail. Alternatively, you can use our Clarity User Forum.
Tel: +44 (0)330 223 11 44
Our support desk operates between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday. The team will try to resolve the issue during the initial contact as all support team members are technical engineers. If your call is not resolvable on first call, you will receive an e-mail with a call reference number. The call will then be progressed through to completion. With your approval the support team will be able to access your system on the Cloud, to shadow your current desktop session and assist with any training requirements.

Have you considered moving your CLARITY CORE to our cloud hosted platform?
With migration and set-up normally completed within just one day and minimum-term ‘test bed’ periods of three months currently being offered, migration to hosted could not be easier.
Take a look through our user guides in our newly launced Clarity User Forum – a new platform where you can find step-by-step user manuals, seek relevant information, ask questions, participate in discussions and share your personal experience with Clarity.
Visit Clarity User ForumLet us know what you think
Your opinion is important to us and we would like to get your feedback on how we are doing.