Barnet Council unveils interactive tree portal

The London Borough of Barnet Council takes a groundbreaking leap towards a more sustainable and ecologically conscious future with the introduction of ezyPortal—our innovative platform that seamlessly harmonises technology, community engagement and environmental stewardship. This momentous launch of Barnet’s Community Tree Portal, stands as a significant milestone in the council’s dedicated journey toward achieving ambitious net-zero objectives.
Developed by our Ezytreev team, ezyPortal raises the profile of trees as environmental assets accessible to all. Driven by Ezytreev’s extensive tree data expertise, ezyPortal forges a vital link between the community and the arboreal world, inviting effortless exploration of the trees managed by the Council. Whether you are looking to identify a tree’s species, uncover its ecological contributions, or simply explore the Borough, ezyPortal offers an array of insights, encompassing tree species, dimensions, photographs, inspection records, and the history of maintenance undertaken on each tree. However, ezyPortal also integrates i-Tree Ecosystem services values, presenting the environmental benefits these trees provide to their neighbourhood and to the planet as a whole.
Find out more about this groundbreaking initiative on Barnet Council’s official news page and explore Barnet Community Tree Portal at
Ready to explore ezyPortal for yourself? Simply follow this link.